Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My Livingroom

Trying my hand at an interior. I love my livingroom...It is yellow! The outside of the house is yellow too. I have another version that is not cropped. It is Pastel.

Day's End at Disney

The end of June we went to Disney World and stayed at Safariland. It was a little much for a 2 1/2 year old by the end of the day...but it was the only time he was still for a picture. I was trying out my new Unison portrait pastels for the 1st time. Great especially for the soft skin of a baby. It was great having the whole family together to celebrate my "big" birthday...then all came back to Naples for the 4th.

Temecula Winery

A 5x7 acrylic on board of our trip to the wine area close to SanDiego. Great friends Sally and Bill from the area showed us around. Fun to connect with "old" friends from Denver.

Art Colony at Balboa Park

Loved the artist's Colony at Balboa Park, gardens and museums (cool inside)